How can I tell if my child has a concussion?
If your child was involved in a head injury, be on the lookout for certain signs and symptoms that may indicate whether or not he/she has a concussion. Consider their physical, mental, and emotional state.
- Loss of consciousness
- Headache
- Blurred vision
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Sensitive to Light/sound
- Fatigue
- Cannot think clearly
- Hard to concentrate
- Trouble remembering
- Feeling slowed down
- Irritability
- Sadness/withdrawn
- Nervous/anxious
- More emotional
It is also important to watch your child’s sleeping habits. Are they sleeping more? Less? Having difficulty sleeping?
My child has been diagnosed with a concussion – what do I do next?
Once your child has seen a medical professional and has been diagnosed with a concussion, the next step is healing and recovery. The most important thing for a player to do is rest – both physically and mentally. Any type of physical activity should cease until a doctor clears the player to play. The brain also needs to rest mentally, so activities that would require the brain to process information should avoided. This includes: TV, video games, using a computer, reading, homework, and texting. Remember, players generally fully recover from a concussion, but it is necessary to take time and allow the brain to heal itself entirely before returning to physical and mental activities so recovery is not aggravated.
Does my child have to quit sports after a concussion?
No, your child does not have to quit playing sports if he/she receives a concussion. However, it is important that he/she recovers fully and is cleared by a medical professional before they can come back to the game
Which sports are the riskiest?
High contact sports increase the risk of a player sustaining a concussion
- Football
- Ice Hockey
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Lacrosse
- Cheerleading
My child did not lose consciousness after a hard hit to the head – does he/she have a concussion?
While losing consciousness is a good indication that your child may have a concussion, a player will not always lose consciousness. The only way to be absolutely sure is to seek medical attention immediately and have the athlete evaluated.
How do I know if my child is ok to return to play?
Once your child ceases having any concussion like symptoms AND is cleared in writing by a medical professional, your child return to play. Parents and coaches may not clear a student athlete for play.
How do I know if proper protocol was not followed?
If your child is still experiencing concussion like symptoms after they return to play, the concussion protocol has been violated. If a child was not immediately taken off the field by a coach after and evaluated by a medical professional after immediate impact, then concussion protocol has been violated.
Do I have a case if the proper protocol was violated?
Yes. If the athlete has suffered significantly or a condition has developed because proper protocol was not followed.
How do I know when to contact a lawyer?
If an athlete returned to play still experiencing signs and symptoms of a concussion or if their coach/trainer did not immediately take the athlete out of the game to be examined by a medical professional, then the athlete’s rights have been violated. Players who have suffered serious consequences as a result of repetitive and ignored sports brain injuries should consider consulting an experienced brain injury attorney.
If you need an attorney to review your case, please contact us using our web form.
NFL players